
The Bell and City Museum Apolda, part 2/2: Whom the bell tolls? Kenelle kellot soivat?

Whom the bell tolls?/Kenelle kellot soivat?

Due to the over 250-year tradition of bell casting, Apolda is referred to as "bell city".
Apoldassa on yli 250 vuoden perinteet kellojen valamisesta ja Apoldaa kutsutaankin "kello kaupungiksi"

Pictures taken on our trip to Apolda 2.-6.4.2014
Kuvat on otettu Re3 -projektin matkalta Apoldaan 2.-6.4.2014 

The Bell and City museum Apolda was founded in 1952.
Kello ja kaupunginmuseo perustettiin Apoldaan vuonna 1952.

 The museum shows the cultural history of the bell from its beginnings until the present day and pays tribute to the Apolda bell casters. Museo esittelee paikallisten kellojen kulttuurihistoriaa eri aikoina.

In the museum you may touch and even ring most of the bells.
Museossa voi koskea ja jopa soittaa suurinta osaa kelloista.

 We visited the museum on Thursday 3.4.2014.
Me vierailimme museossa torstaina 3.4.2014.

As you walk around the city of Apolda,
Kiertäessäsi kaupunkia,

you may also find bells in the city sceenery.
voi havaita myös lukuisia kelloja kaupunkikuvassa.

The bells shape and sound is its own artwork.
Kellojen ja sen äänen työstäminen ovat oma taiteenlajinsa.

In the museum are various bells made of different materials.
Museosta löytyy erilaisia kelloja, eri materiaaleista valmistettuna.

Pictures: Tanja Härmä
Text: Minna Lehtola

The Bell and City museum Apolda, part 1/2

On Thursday 3.4. we had a guided tour to the Bell and City museum of Apolda.
 Torstaina 3.4. meillä oli opastettu kierros Apoldan kello ja kaupunginmuseoon.
The museum building.

We gathered all together in front of the museum, where there were unfinnished constructions.
Kokoonnuimme museon eteen, jossa oli katutyöt meneillään.

Our guide.

The Bells of Apolda...
Apoldan kellot...

...exported around the world.
... ympäri maailmaa.

In a great importance for the city is the knitwear production, which has in Apolda over 250 years traditions.
Koneilla kutominen on ollut merkittävä toimeentulo Apoldan historiassa vuosisatojen ajan.

The museum presents the machinery used in knitwear production.
Museo esittelee koneellisessa kutomisessa käytettyjä koneita.

 In the museum there is also presented local textileworks.
Museossa esitellään myös paikallisia tekstiilituotteita.

There is also examples, how the machinery is used.
Museossa esitellään malleilla, miten koneita on käytetty.

The museum is a good partned to Forssa museum in Re3 -project,
Museo on hyvä yhteistyökumppani Forssan museolle Re3 -projektissa,

because of the similar textileheritage.
yhtäläisen tekstiiliperinnön vuoksi.

The textile industry grew rapidly in Apolda.
Tekstiiliteollisuus kehittyi Apoldassa vaiheittain.

Years 1904-1927 Apolda was important industrial city.
Vuosina 1904-1927 Apolda oli tärkeä teollisuuskaupunki.

 In 1846 the Thuring Railway was established to Apolda, which aided the industrial growth.
1846 Apoldaan tuli rautatie, joka avitti teollisuuden kehittymistä.

Our guide is dressed "like they used to" dress in Apolda.
Oppaamme oli pukeutunut kuten "ennen on tavattu" pukeutua Apoldassa.

He brought a peace of history with him.
Hän toi vaatetuksellaan mukanaan palan historiaa.

Even without a guide, the museum provides an experience to the time.
Ilman opastakin museo tarjoaa ainutlaatuisen kokemuksen teollisuuteen ja paikallishistoriaan.

Knitting in the museum.
Museossa kutominen.

The basicks of the idea in the machinery.
Idea koneiden takana.

Strickmaschinen-Fabrik at Apolda.
Apoldassa toiminut tehdas.

The textile made in Apolda.
Apoldassa valmistettua tekstiiliä.

Swimsuit made by knitting, practical or not?
Näyttelyn erikoisuus, kudottu uimapuku, käytännöllisyys?

In the textile is used various colors.
Tekstiileissä on käytössä värien kirjo.

The knitwear production is still alive in Apolda.
Alan teollisuus on jossain määrin vielä elossa Apoldassa.

On our visit we were given the change, to get to know it.
Vierailullamme, meille annettiin mahdollisuus tutustua siihen.

The textiles are from different time periods.
Tekstiilit ovat eri ajanjaksoilta.


... and far, see in the left corner.
... ja kaukaa, katso kuvan vasempaan nurkkaan.

There was also examples...
Esillä oli myös näytteitä... 

... of the various products.
... tuotannon kirjosta.

For us, those were an innovation.
Meille ne olivat innovaation lähde.

The knitwear industry was presented in the exhibition in three rooms.
Teollisuutta esiteltiin museon kolmessa huoneessa.

In the upstairs there is constantly changing exhibitions.
Museon toisessa kerroksessa on tila vaihtuville näyttelyille.

The Harmony of colors.
Värien harmonia.

Welcome again!
Tervetuloa uudestaan!

Pictures: Tanja Härmä
Text: Minna Lehtola


Re3 visit to Apolda

On part of our Re3 -project, we visit our partners to get to know their heritage and textile industry, but also to exchange experiences. In december 2013 the first Re3 gathering was in Forssa, where the structure for the project was lay out and now was our turn to visit in Germany. Our seven person group from Finland arrived to Apolda on Wednesday 2.4.2014.

The plan in Apolda, was get to know the local textile industrie and designers, visit in Neckerode and Weimar. Also to take part on exhibition openings and Apolda European Design Awards event.

On our first day, we were taken from our Hotel am Schloss Apolda to Museum with our guide Viola Wehling as "Catarina von Vitzthum". She was dressed in historical costume and she told us stories about the local history.

Sceenery from our hotel window.

Our Hotel am Schloss Apolda and a fish pond.

Spring in Apolda.

Our guided tour starter from the castle, next to the hotel.

Viola is telling the castles history. In the picture from the left is Wiebke, Marja-Leena, Teija and Viola.

The Castle 16/17th century.

The Castle area and the sceenery to the city.

Overwiev of Apolda, polulation c. 21 700.

Apolda was first mentioned around 1119. The townhall tower.

From the Castle we continued our tour to the city.

Fountain, not far from the castle.

There is story linked to the fountain about hurt feelings and a curse.

The ringing bells.

The centrum, redesigned marketplace.

Thought on the townhall wall.

Present day next to the old heritage.

Citizens fountain...

... on the Brauhof.

In Easter locals decorate all the fountains in Apolda.

Bus stops.

Christian Zimmermann 2.8.1759-17.1.1842.

Textile manufacturo in Apolda.

Young art.

Humour in the city.

Industrial heritage...

...in Apolda...

...is seen...

...on the streets...

...and as decorations in the old buildings.

There is also story behind the decorations. This was Zimmermanns factory.

Nowdays it is District office.

Our guided tour in Apolda ended to the Bell and City museum of Apolda.

We stepped to a welcoming party organized for us.

Pictures: Tanja Härmä
Text: Minna Lehtola